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Product Information

CLAREX Products Line-Up

Below lists are the basic CLAREX product categories. Please refer to each product category for the detail, and feel free to ask for customization or new development.

Non-Glare Sheet

CLAREX Non-Glare Sheet

CLAREX Non-Glare Sheet diffuses surface reflection and increase the legibility of the display.

Product usage:Cluster Parts



Display front panel for LCD, PDP, OLED, VFD, CRT, LASER, LED, etc.



Basic Line-Ups & Optical Data

Non-Glare Texture Total Light Transmittance Haze Gloss Value
EX30 001 91% 7.0% 45
No.1 001 92% 2.0% 55
No.2 001 90% 6.0% 35
No.9 001 92% 1.0% 78
EX20 001 92% 4.0% 57
EX70 001 92% 3.0% 72
M-55 001 90% 17.0% 25

 T The data above are measurement value, and are not for guarantee.
 T There are different maximum sheet size for each non-glare texture. Please ask your sales representatives.

If you have any inquiries or requests, please contact us.

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