Product Information

Giving shape to customer feedback

We carry out a variety of development and prototypes based on our five basic technologies, CLAREX Technology Platform, of the cell casting process. Some examples are given below, so if you are interested, please click here for contact.
We also accept consultations on development projects that are not listed below, so please feel free to contact us.

List of Prototypes

You can check the details of the prototypes by clicking on the links (Test No.) in the table below. (New window will open for the detail. )

The combination of coating layer and substrate material shown below is just an example, and the combination can be customized.

AR (Anti-Reflection) Coat Filter

AR coating + NIR blocking coating
Test No. G-230601
Optical Coating Front Side AR+Anti-Smudge (AS)
Back Side NIR Reflection
Substrate RH20 001
Features & Point of Development AR+IR-Reflection
Anti-Reflection gives better transmission at VIS range. IR-Reflection blocks IR to protect display.
Example of Use
  • Glare-trap/Dust Cover for HUD
  • Front cover for Outdoor Monitor
High-Durability AR
Test No. G-230602-a
Optical Coating Front Side High-Durability AR+AS
Back Side High-Durability AR
Substrate RH20 001 / RH20 SM50 001
Features & Point of Development High-Durability AR
The highly durable AR coating with improved sunshine resistance and abrasion resistance compared to conventional AR.
Example of Use Display cover for the monitor used at outside or waterside which may need more durability.
High-Durability AR
Test No. G-230602-b
Optical Coating Front Side High-Durability AR+AS
Back Side High-Durability AR
Substrate RH20 SM50 LB-50
Features & Point of Development High-Durability AR
Compatible with DIN (TL-226*) Standard
* Only items related to the adhesion of the coating layer.
Example of Use
  • Instrument cover material for automotive interior
  • Motorcycle instrument panel covers
Partial-Reflecting Mirror + AR Coating
Test No. G-230603
Optical Coating Front Side Partial Reflection Mirror (30%)
Back Side High-Durability AR
Substrate RH20 001
Features & Point of Development Combination of Partial-Reflecting Mirror Coating and Anti-Reflection Coating
Example of Use
  • Front cover for HMD(Head Mount Display
  • Combiner for prompter
  • Display materials for automotive interior
VIS-to-NIR Range AR Coating Filter
Test No. G-230604
Optical Coating Front Side VIS-to-NIR AR+AS
Back Side VIS/NIR-AR
Substrate RH20 001
Features & Point of Development Wider Ranged AR (VIS-to-NIR)
Wider range of Anti-Reflection Coating (≧90%@450nm~950nm)
Example of Use
  • Front cover for DMS integrated monitor
  • Front cover for security camera
  • Front cover for Human Detection Sensor, etc.
UV-to-VIS Range AR Coating Filter
Test No. G-211001
Optical Coating Front Side UV-to-VIS AR+AS
Back Side UV/VIS-AR
Substrate RH20 S-0
Features & Point of Development Wider Ranged AR (UV-to-VIS)
Wider range of Anti-Reflection Coating (≧90%@380nm~700nm)
Example of Use Optical window for 3D scan camera
Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Optical Filter
Test No. G-230605
Optical Coating Front Side Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) AR+AS
Back Side Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) AR+AS
Substrate RH20 NIR-90N
Features & Point of Development Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) AR
Designed to enhance transmission at around 1300nm and 1550nm. (≧90%)
Example of Use Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Imaging Camera for detecting foreign objects in opaque color liquids.

Contact Us

Any Inquiries and requests : Please send us a Message.

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