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Product Information

CLAREX Products Line-Up

Below lists are the basic CLAREX product categories. Please refer to each product category for the detail, and feel free to ask for customization or new development.

UV Cut Filter

CLAREX UV Cut Filter protects displays from ultra-violet rays. There are 4 types of UV Cut filters available depends on the absorption range.



Optical Lens / Monitor Display Protection Window / etc.



For other optical characteristics, please ask for customization.

Basic Line-Ups

For other optical characteristics, please ask for customization.

Optical Data

UV Cut Filter
CLAREX UV Cut Filter Optical Data

 T These are our experimental measured values in 1.0mm thick.
 T Value provided cannot be guaranteed in your application due to circumstances beyond our control.

Optical Data Download

CLAREX UV Cut Filter

 T For browsing method of PDF file, please click here.

If you have any inquiries or requests, please contact us.

Any Inquiries and requests : Please send us a Message.

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